Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2014
Generated 01-Mar-2014 02:42 EST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2014
Total Hits 2481
Total Files 2248
Total Pages 2203
Total Visits 1043
Total KBytes 14182
Total Unique Sites 298
Total Unique URLs 72
Total Unique Referrers 51
Total Unique User Agents 66
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 3 344
Hits per Day 88 515
Files per Day 80 498
Pages per Day 78 490
Visits per Day 37 103
KBytes per Day 506 3358
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 2248
Code 206 - Partial Content 2
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 11
Code 403 - Forbidden 4
Code 404 - Not Found 215

Daily usage for February 2014

Daily Statistics for February 2014
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 25 1.01% 17 0.76% 16 0.73% 10 0.96% 9 3.02% 162 1.14%
2 22 0.89% 18 0.80% 19 0.86% 8 0.77% 9 3.02% 31 0.22%
3 126 5.08% 124 5.52% 114 5.17% 82 7.86% 22 7.38% 622 4.38%
4 128 5.16% 120 5.34% 109 4.95% 95 9.11% 29 9.73% 1148 8.09%
5 99 3.99% 95 4.23% 92 4.18% 66 6.33% 22 7.38% 404 2.85%
6 44 1.77% 32 1.42% 33 1.50% 15 1.44% 16 5.37% 106 0.75%
7 420 16.93% 399 17.75% 402 18.25% 18 1.73% 19 6.38% 2912 20.53%
8 66 2.66% 59 2.62% 54 2.45% 14 1.34% 13 4.36% 271 1.91%
9 515 20.76% 498 22.15% 490 22.24% 95 9.11% 34 11.41% 3358 23.68%
10 137 5.52% 127 5.65% 120 5.45% 103 9.88% 29 9.73% 1154 8.13%
11 116 4.68% 106 4.72% 102 4.63% 78 7.48% 30 10.07% 478 3.37%
12 30 1.21% 23 1.02% 23 1.04% 10 0.96% 10 3.36% 79 0.55%
13 17 0.69% 9 0.40% 9 0.41% 9 0.86% 10 3.36% 25 0.17%
14 96 3.87% 86 3.83% 83 3.77% 57 5.47% 35 11.74% 417 2.94%
15 68 2.74% 58 2.58% 56 2.54% 48 4.60% 30 10.07% 429 3.03%
16 66 2.66% 58 2.58% 57 2.59% 37 3.55% 23 7.72% 577 4.07%
17 22 0.89% 13 0.58% 13 0.59% 7 0.67% 10 3.36% 84 0.59%
18 21 0.85% 15 0.67% 15 0.68% 14 1.34% 13 4.36% 152 1.07%
19 54 2.18% 47 2.09% 49 2.22% 20 1.92% 16 5.37% 153 1.08%
20 47 1.89% 40 1.78% 38 1.72% 33 3.16% 28 9.40% 108 0.76%
21 57 2.30% 50 2.22% 51 2.32% 36 3.45% 22 7.38% 256 1.81%
22 32 1.29% 26 1.16% 26 1.18% 26 2.49% 16 5.37% 99 0.70%
23 53 2.14% 46 2.05% 44 2.00% 27 2.59% 29 9.73% 248 1.75%
24 38 1.53% 29 1.29% 31 1.41% 23 2.21% 23 7.72% 176 1.24%
25 60 2.42% 49 2.18% 49 2.22% 33 3.16% 22 7.38% 198 1.40%
26 44 1.77% 37 1.65% 37 1.68% 31 2.97% 20 6.71% 203 1.43%
27 56 2.26% 50 2.22% 51 2.32% 30 2.88% 24 8.05% 234 1.65%
28 22 0.89% 17 0.76% 20 0.91% 20 1.92% 16 5.37% 98 0.69%

Hourly usage for February 2014

Hourly Statistics for February 2014
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 13 385 15.52% 13 371 16.50% 13 371 16.84% 95 2661 18.76%
1 2 59 2.38% 1 49 2.18% 1 49 2.22% 10 286 2.02%
2 1 47 1.89% 1 37 1.65% 1 39 1.77% 8 222 1.56%
3 3 84 3.39% 2 65 2.89% 2 61 2.77% 11 303 2.13%
4 3 89 3.59% 2 71 3.16% 2 69 3.13% 13 360 2.54%
5 1 50 2.02% 1 44 1.96% 1 43 1.95% 7 191 1.35%
6 2 76 3.06% 2 69 3.07% 2 66 3.00% 19 540 3.81%
7 3 107 4.31% 3 99 4.40% 3 96 4.36% 16 448 3.16%
8 4 115 4.64% 3 109 4.85% 3 106 4.81% 16 449 3.17%
9 2 78 3.14% 2 65 2.89% 2 62 2.81% 15 420 2.96%
10 3 95 3.83% 2 79 3.51% 2 82 3.72% 13 355 2.50%
11 11 327 13.18% 11 320 14.23% 11 317 14.39% 66 1849 13.04%
12 5 150 6.05% 4 137 6.09% 4 137 6.22% 48 1331 9.39%
13 2 82 3.31% 2 71 3.16% 2 69 3.13% 13 359 2.53%
14 2 56 2.26% 1 50 2.22% 1 49 2.22% 8 219 1.55%
15 2 74 2.98% 2 69 3.07% 2 67 3.04% 18 507 3.57%
16 3 101 4.07% 3 95 4.23% 3 90 4.09% 16 451 3.18%
17 2 72 2.90% 2 67 2.98% 2 65 2.95% 19 529 3.73%
18 2 62 2.50% 1 47 2.09% 1 46 2.09% 10 269 1.89%
19 3 97 3.91% 3 91 4.05% 2 82 3.72% 14 400 2.82%
20 2 65 2.62% 2 59 2.62% 2 58 2.63% 8 230 1.62%
21 2 75 3.02% 2 65 2.89% 2 63 2.86% 27 750 5.29%
22 2 75 3.02% 2 66 2.94% 2 64 2.91% 23 640 4.51%
23 2 60 2.42% 1 53 2.36% 1 52 2.36% 15 413 2.91%

Top 30 of 72 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 293 11.81% 603 4.25% /
2 137 5.52% 182 1.29% /etc/
3 121 4.88% 162 1.14% /images/
4 119 4.80% 171 1.20% /mpc/
5 118 4.76% 159 1.12% /cgi-local/
6 106 4.27% 142 1.00% /thejet/
7 104 4.19% 196 1.38% /img/
8 101 4.07% 142 1.00% /mpc/docs/styles/
9 97 3.91% 198 1.40% /mpc/docs/
10 93 3.75% 131 0.92% /mpc/docs/themes/
11 91 3.67% 138 0.97% /mpc/docs/Site/
12 89 3.59% 337 2.37% /mpc/docs/SiteMgr/
13 88 3.55% 144 1.02% /mpc/docs/images/
14 77 3.10% 300 2.11% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/
15 31 1.25% 1 0.01% /mxlogic_dump
16 28 1.13% 251 1.77% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/Jobs.html
17 26 1.05% 242 1.71% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/About Us.html
18 26 1.05% 241 1.70% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/FAQs.html
19 25 1.01% 161 1.13% /stats/
20 23 0.93% 211 1.49% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/Contact Us.html
21 23 0.93% 233 1.64% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/Home.html
22 23 0.93% 214 1.51% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/Services.html
23 13 0.52% 456 3.22% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/Payment.html
24 13 0.52% 573 4.04% /stats/usage_201306.html
25 13 0.52% 451 3.18% /stats/usage_201308.html
26 12 0.48% 14 0.10% /mpc/docs/SiteMgr/blank.htm
27 12 0.48% 1139 8.03% /stats/usage_201312.html
28 11 0.44% 168 1.18% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/Shopping.html
29 11 0.44% 12 0.08% /mpc/docs/SiteMgr/blank2.htm
30 11 0.44% 15 0.10% /mpc/docs/SiteMgr/coolshirts_award.htm

Top 10 of 72 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 12 0.48% 1139 8.03% /stats/usage_201312.html
2 11 0.44% 1011 7.13% /stats/usage_201310.html
3 8 0.32% 841 5.93% /stats/usage_201401.html
4 9 0.36% 830 5.85% /stats/usage_201311.html
5 293 11.81% 603 4.25% /
6 13 0.52% 573 4.04% /stats/usage_201306.html
7 13 0.52% 456 3.22% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/Payment.html
8 13 0.52% 451 3.18% /stats/usage_201308.html
9 10 0.40% 349 2.46% /mpc/docs/Site/WATPreview/TakePO.html
10 89 3.59% 337 2.37% /mpc/docs/SiteMgr/

Top 10 of 58 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 293 11.81% 165 15.96% /
2 119 4.80% 66 6.38% /mpc/
3 137 5.52% 57 5.51% /etc/
4 121 4.88% 57 5.51% /images/
5 118 4.76% 56 5.42% /cgi-local/
6 106 4.27% 51 4.93% /thejet/
7 101 4.07% 49 4.74% /mpc/docs/styles/
8 97 3.91% 48 4.64% /mpc/docs/
9 91 3.67% 47 4.55% /mpc/docs/Site/
10 104 4.19% 45 4.35% /img/

Top 10 of 59 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 293 11.81% 147 14.23% /
2 119 4.80% 74 7.16% /mpc/
3 118 4.76% 64 6.20% /cgi-local/
4 137 5.52% 57 5.52% /etc/
5 121 4.88% 56 5.42% /images/
6 106 4.27% 54 5.23% /thejet/
7 97 3.91% 52 5.03% /mpc/docs/
8 101 4.07% 49 4.74% /mpc/docs/styles/
9 104 4.19% 46 4.45% /img/
10 91 3.67% 44 4.26% /mpc/docs/Site/

Top 30 of 298 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 340 13.70% 338 15.04% 2415 17.03% 1 0.10%
2 273 11.00% 269 11.97% 2296 16.19% 1 0.10%
3 70 2.82% 70 3.11% 117 0.83% 1 0.10%
4 61 2.46% 61 2.71% 315 2.22% 51 4.89%
5 51 2.06% 51 2.27% 297 2.10% 40 3.84%
6 43 1.73% 43 1.91% 172 1.21% 38 3.64%
7 43 1.73% 43 1.91% 364 2.57% 34 3.26%
8 38 1.53% 38 1.69% 230 1.62% 31 2.97%
9 33 1.33% 33 1.47% 323 2.28% 23 2.21%
10 32 1.29% 23 1.02% 50 0.35% 15 1.44%
11 32 1.29% 15 0.67% 253 1.79% 15 1.44%
12 31 1.25% 31 1.38% 204 1.44% 24 2.30%
13 31 1.25% 13 0.58% 84 0.59% 11 1.05%
14 29 1.17% 28 1.25% 177 1.25% 1 0.10%
15 28 1.13% 28 1.25% 97 0.68% 16 1.53%
16 28 1.13% 28 1.25% 266 1.88% 19 1.82%
17 28 1.13% 28 1.25% 291 2.05% 18 1.73%
18 28 1.13% 25 1.11% 27 0.19% 1 0.10%
19 28 1.13% 25 1.11% 27 0.19% 1 0.10%
20 27 1.09% 27 1.20% 188 1.33% 24 2.30%
21 27 1.09% 27 1.20% 336 2.37% 21 2.01%
22 26 1.05% 26 1.16% 274 1.93% 18 1.73%
23 26 1.05% 26 1.16% 200 1.41% 22 2.11%
24 25 1.01% 25 1.11% 172 1.22% 18 1.73%
25 23 0.93% 23 1.02% 248 1.75% 17 1.63%
26 23 0.93% 21 0.93% 83 0.58% 1 0.10%
27 22 0.89% 21 0.93% 48 0.34% 1 0.10%
28 21 0.85% 21 0.93% 205 1.44% 16 1.53%
29 21 0.85% 21 0.93% 73 0.51% 15 1.44%
30 18 0.73% 18 0.80% 152 1.07% 17 1.63%

Top 10 of 298 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 340 13.70% 338 15.04% 2415 17.03% 1 0.10%
2 273 11.00% 269 11.97% 2296 16.19% 1 0.10%
3 9 0.36% 8 0.36% 421 2.97% 1 0.10%
4 43 1.73% 43 1.91% 364 2.57% 34 3.26%
5 27 1.09% 27 1.20% 336 2.37% 21 2.01%
6 33 1.33% 33 1.47% 323 2.28% 23 2.21%
7 61 2.46% 61 2.71% 315 2.22% 51 4.89%
8 51 2.06% 51 2.27% 297 2.10% 40 3.84%
9 28 1.13% 28 1.25% 291 2.05% 18 1.73%
10 11 0.44% 9 0.40% 290 2.04% 1 0.10%

Top 9 of 51 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 2051 82.67% - (Direct Request)
2 5 0.20%
3 4 0.16%
4 4 0.16%
5 4 0.16%
6 1 0.04% THEJETNET.COM/
7 1 0.04% THEJETNET.COM/index.php
8 1 0.04%
9 1 0.04%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00%

Top 15 of 66 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 868 34.99% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/5.0; +
2 343 13.83% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; BLEXBot/1.0; +http://webmeup-crawler
3 340 13.70% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; spbot/4.0.7; +http://OpenLinkProfile
4 264 10.64% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.4; http://www.majestic1
5 126 5.08% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 F
6 116 4.68% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 F
7 63 2.54% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
8 58 2.34% Python-urllib/2.7
9 40 1.61% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
10 32 1.29% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Exabot/3.0; +
11 28 1.13% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ezooms/1.0;
12 23 0.93% NextGenSearchBot 1 (for information visit http://www.zoominfo
13 21 0.85% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Linux x86_64; Mail.RU_Bot/2.0; +http
14 20 0.81% Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; ru) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.
15 13 0.52% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Exabot/3.0 (BiggerBetter); +http://w

Usage by Country for February 2014

Top 5 of 5 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2339 94.28% 2107 93.73% 13552 95.56% Unresolved/Unknown
2 133 5.36% 132 5.87% 617 4.35% US Commercial
3 7 0.28% 7 0.31% 10 0.07% China
4 1 0.04% 1 0.04% 1 0.01% Lithuania
5 1 0.04% 1 0.04% 1 0.01% Russian Federation

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01